Monday, 26 March 2012

The Edge Magazine - Issue #2

Well, the wait is over!

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, The Edge Magazine Northumbria is proud to present it's SECOND issue.

Take a look. Promise you won't be disappointed!

The Edge Editorial Team.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

One More Week Left!

That's right folks, you heard it here first.

You have ONE more week to send all your wonderful submissions to The Edge. We want to get this edition out and circulating before everyone goes home for Easter and REVISES TILL THEIR BRAINS TURN TO MUSH.
Can't wait. So get them in!

You know where to send 'em.

Get literary minded! 

The Edge Magazine Editorial Team

Friday, 10 February 2012

Submissions for March Edition

Hello there!

The first edition of The Edge Magazine was sent out into the world just last month, and now we're eager to get the next one on it's way!
Subumissions are now open until the 27th of February. That gives you guys almost four weeks to give us what you've got. Don't be afraid - there's no theme, and if you want us to we'll always send your submissions back with suggestions on how to improve the piece(s).

There's no time like the present! (or you know, within the next four weeks)

Send all submissions to

Stay excellent,

The Edge Editorial Team

p.s. take a sneaky peek below this post and have a read of the last issue.

The Edge Magazine - January 2012

Check out the First edition of The Egde for 2012! Have a read, inspire yourself, and get submitting for the next Issue of The Edge!

Edge Editorial Team

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Launch Time!

Hello you crazy cats and kittens!

Ignoring the greeting, this evening is The Edge Magazine Northumbria's Launch party!! And we would like to see as many of the magazine's supporters AS POSSIBLE down there celebrating with us.

So, unless you are suffering some sort of mortal wound (maybe not even then...) Then we want to see all of you down at the Launch with us, enjoying the live readings and fantastic conversation! As well as some cheeky drinking!

Hope to see you all there, all the information is on the post below.

Best wishes,

Edge Editorial Team

Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Edge Magazine Launch Looms Ever Closer!


We hope that you all have had a fantastic Christmas, and a CRAZY new year, but why let the celebrations end there?!
We're hosting The Edge Magazine Launch Night to celebrate this years first edition of Edge!
Hosted by Blakes in Newcastle on Wednesday the 25th of January, it would be a shame not to see you there!
A night of guaranteed prose, poetry and live music, it's not something to miss. All the information can be found via The Edge Facebook profile, where an official event page has been created - check it out!

To give you a taster of what to expect from this edition of Edge, here's a cheeky peek of the front page featured on the magazine.

See you there!

Edge Editorial Team